BREAKING: Austin City Council Takes Steps to Push Back Against Unconstitutional SB4


BREAKING: Austin City Council Takes Steps to Push Back Against Unconstitutional SB4

Council vote signals strong opposition to anti-immigrant law, advocates say the work continues

Austin, Texas — The Austin City Council voted Thursday afternoon in favor of Item 143, marking a significant victory for advocates and community members committed to protecting immigrant rights and pushing back against the unconstitutional Senate Bill 4 (SB 4). The Council’s decision sends a powerful message that Austin stands against criminalizing immigrants and will actively work to mitigate the harm inflicted by this harmful legislation.

“We commend the Austin City Council for being a leader in the fight against racist policies like SB4 and that they are taking concrete action to ensure families are kept together and that immigrants are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve,” said Workers Defense Austin Policy Coordinator Daniela Silva. “We will hold Council Members accountable to this resolution by ensuring they are doing everything in their power to ensure that if SB4 is implemented, the Austin Police Department takes measures to protect residents’ fundamental rights in the enforcement of SB4 or similar immigration-related laws.”

This resolution follows the successful passage of a similar anti-SB4 resolution by Dallas City Council members on June 12th after receiving pressure from Workers Defense members and staff. Through this resolution, the Dallas City Council condemned SB4 as both unconstitutional and unenforceable. It is the hope of Workers Defense and its allies that this could set a precedent for other cities in Texas to follow suit. 

“I want to feel safe and remain here with my children,” said Reina, a member of Mujeres Luchadoras. “They are the future of this city, and I want safety for them and our community. By passing this resolution, city council is supporting us to ensure unjust laws like SB 4 don’t interfere with our lives.”

“Cities have a responsibility to resist unjust laws, and today’s vote is a crucial step toward creating an Austin that truly protects its residents,” said Sulma Franco for Grassroots Leadership. “Our communities are tired of living in fear, and our city officials must continue to match the bravery of our community by taking bold actions to defy laws that criminalize immigrants. This resolution moves us closer to resisting discriminatory practices and ensuring that Austin is a safe place for my loved ones, family, and everyone.”

"Although SB4 continues to be held up in the court system, we applaud the City of Austin for embracing and protecting the immigrant community and all of us who want a safe place to live.  The passage of the resolution that condemns SB4 through collaboration with Austin Police Department and community organizers ensures that our city's needs continue to be met while prioritizing the safety and security of every Austinite," said Priscilla Lugo, Immigration Advocacy Strategist at the Texas Immigration Law Council. 

“We applaud the Austin City Council for their decision to stand against enforcing SB 4. No state has the power to implement its own immigration laws, and the City of Austin has made it clear that they won’t sit idly by as the state attempts to sow fear and confusion in immigrant communities,” said Roberto Lopez, Senior Advocacy Manager for the Beyond Borders Program at the Texas Civil Rights Project. “We hope that other cities will follow their lead, and at TCRP we remain committed to fighting to ensure that this law never goes into effect because Texans, and people seeking safety at our borders, deserve better.”


Grassroots Leadership is a Texas-based national organization that works for a more just society where prison profiteering, mass incarceration, deportation, and criminalization are things of the past. Follow us @Grassroots_News.

 The Texas Immigration Law Council is a statewide nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization formed in 2023 to promote and protect the rights of immigrants and refugees of all nationalities in Texas. The Council promotes meaningful access to justice for immigrants and refugees by serving as a statewide immigrant legal resource center. The Council brings together constituencies across the political spectrum to advance constructive dialogue on immigrant solutions for Texas.  

Workers Defense is a statewide organization that fights for the rights and dignity of Latine immigrants and workers in Texas. Follow us @workersdefense.

The Texas Civil Rights Project is boldly serving the movement for equality and justice in and out of the courts. We use our tools of litigation and legal advocacy to protect and advance the civil rights of everyone in Texas, and we partner with communities across the state to serve the rising movement for social justice. We undertake our work with a vision of a Texas in which all communities can thrive with dignity, justice and without fear.




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